Why are some e-learning innovations more successful than others?

Over time I have seen a large number of innovation projects come to completion, some are more successful than others. You have to start to think why?

Here is a list of things the more successful projects have in common:

  • Designed an e-learning strategy that considers the reason for the project’s existence in the first place. By this I mean, the project doesn’t just exist for the sake of it but it has been carefully thought out, aligned to a solid business case, considers the needs of the learners, how they learn, what they need, what they want etc.
  • Planned realistic timelines and set realistic goals – without appropriate planning there is always a danger that you will run over time, budget etc and that your project will morph into something it was never planned to be
  • Secured the right people for the team
  • Capitalised on the strengths and capabilities of the team
  • Rather than trying to put existing face to face style resources online the project team have considered the instructional design of the course, built in flexibility, allowed for creativity and innovation, chosen the right tools for the task which have been linked to the needs of the learner and the capabilities of the staff delivering the program
  • The project is learner centric not technology driven
  • The tools chosen are appropriate for the task – for example chat and forums are only used when there is a clear purpose and not just because they are there
  • There are support systems in place for the staff and learners involved
  • There is an appropriate induction for staff and learners built into the program
  • The team is motivated and willing to embark on a journey of radical change if necessary

The list could go on and on so I hope it gives you an idea of what is needed on your team to foster an environment of innovation and creativity in e-learning